Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Close Ups PNH Foundation Piece: Liberty

Ok, the colors on this one are way better in real life. I will post new pictures when I get the piece home and out in the sun...This is a girl balancing a ball on her horse's back. There is a reference to one of the ways that anti-PNH horsemen tear down Parelli--they say they don't need their horses to know how to do tricks. Well, here is a Parelli circus pony!
At the bottom, it reads "Flying lead change." Then there is a horse in the upper right hand corner, cantering on the left lead. On the left is the side of a horse's face. As you might see, this was originally a study of a pottery piece. I decided its round shape would make a great round pen!
A diagram, with instructions, of a flying lead change at liberty.
In level one, another form of Liberty is "down time." Not asking you horse to do anything, but being with him or her. This PNH student is reading her level one red pocket guide...and it looked like her horse was, too.
Contour of my heroine doing her signature cuddle!
I have never seen the "Beyond the Round Pen" DVD, but I hear it is great. Also, it is one of the most important principles of PNH liberty. Liberty is not the same as "round penning." Not by a long shot.
Haltering your horse is a liberty task you do in level one!
Zoneology! Labeled are all five zones, plus the drive line.

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